What is Your Motivation to do a Video Production?

We Suggest you do it for trying to attain PEACE Situation & JOYOUS Moments for All People.

On The Road towards that MAIN GOAL, Our HOPE,
We believe it's about:

  • Our Interaction with Each Other, animals and things,

  • Our use of (Human) Resources &

  • Interaction between things,

in such an Evolved Manner that PEACE is a LOGICAL Result and JOYOUS Moments may be Experienced.

Your Production is ideally about...

With PEACE & JOY as Your Motivation, You may have started a YourFamilyProject™-Initiative with your Family Household, and perhaps with other Family Households. Whether you are in the Companyzer™-process or not, with your Video We suggest that you try to Improve/Update (a) (Layer(s) for) (a) Matter(s) People are 'dealing' with:

  • Homeyness/Playability, knowledge to Wisdom, effective & efficient.

For example: Try to improve skills for how to Create something.

Creative FAMILY Community Artisan-Way-Of-Life

You Realise that We can't eat physical food & drink of The Internet. Neither can We clothe ourselves with virtual clothes and live in virtual houses at The Real World, at The Real Universe.

So, while skills to try to make the Internet a better 'place' are important,
it's MUCH MORE IMPORTANT to try to make The Real World a better Place for People and animals, so that PEACE may be attained and We move on.


Created: Amsterdam, NL, 27 February 2025